Tuesday, June 23, 2015

read about FF14

I can't wait for my griffin! Trey Vacovsky III, says the troll posting on fan pages. Already done. Not in love with Bard changes (yet...?) but I AM in love with Heavensward! It's simply gorgeous buy FFXIV Gil. Bard limit break nuff said. only peeve with bard is the volley -> rain of death chain is no more lol. bard limit break is awesome tongue. first time i fired it off we were like wow.  They wanted to emphasize on bards single target and DoT's, machinist took over the AoE damage role. Besides, bards is no longer low tier dps, they get up there now with ninjas and monks.

My gripe isn't about more or less damage, it's about a complete change in playstyle after 50 levels and almost 2 years. Almost feel like I may as well play BLM now...

Besides the data center errors, it's been a wonderful experience and I've just leveled up to 51 with my main and rolled an astrologian which is at 47 now. Plan to hit 50 tonight before the servers go down. Hey how about you idiots fix the log in issue before constant promo of the new expansion. Three days and we can't get in buy cheap FFXIV Gil .  Beautiful! From everything I've heard and read about FF14 it seems to be on absolute fire right now! WoW and certain other lame titles seriously killed my desire for MMO's but now I think it is definitely time I return and give 14 a good go. ff14 is the best mmo in my opinion i may be little bias due to huge fan of the franchise.

This is my first mmo and I love it!!! I play(ed) many mmos and I agree this is the greatest one for me. I still absolutely love this game, expansion is also well done.  Yeah I've played every final fantasy except 1,2,3 and the two mmo's. I need to do it.  just be warned its heavily story based... and expansion is gated behind story but in saying that... the story is amzing even more so in the expansion XD. I could never really get into MMOs but this one is definitely worth it! I've put so much time into it, way more than any other game I've played.

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